#alwaysupportalent founded in 2017, has the purpose to present and support the new Talents in the Fashion Industry; designers, photographers, make up artists, bloggers and stylists through fashion events, editorials, with a focus on a special talent and an on-line shop with a very select choice of new and unseen products.
About The Event during PFW 2023

‘Satisfashion’ by Mystyle-Events in collaboration with Alwaysupport talent (Flavia Cannata and Cristina Vittoria Egger) continues its travel through fashion capitals of Europe. Paris was chosen for this new edition, and will be held in a breathtaking location at the magnificent American Cathedral, when fashion meets art and historic architecture.

Fashion week engaged the Alwaysupportalent crew not only with a catwalk in the magnificent American cathedral, but also with various fashion shoots by the photographer Thierry Torres in the beautiful Parisian setting and with 4 exceptional models.

Elisa Caterina Egger (art student and muse) Megumi Kanno (winner of the Alwaysupportalent Japan fashion competition held in Tokyo, based on an idea of artist and designer Chemi Akutami) and Carlo Dona Delle Rose (heir of Venetian noble family Dona Delle Rose ) together with his Sister Maria Vittoria Dona Delle Rose.

The dresses and accessories, skilfully chosen by the winning duo, the stylist Flavia Cannata and talent scout Cristina Egger, highlight the breathless collections of designers Jenny Monteiro and Luca Giannola, jewellery by Meaornamenta and bags by Maiko and Sy&vie.

M A R C H 6 T H 2 0 2 3 at T H E A M E R I C A N C A T H E D R A L P A R I S
ALWAYSUPPORTALENT at Paris Fashion Week presented a collective fashion show of groundbreaking and talented designers from all over the world.
10 D E S I G N E R S
A L E S S A N D R A A I A R D O (dresses and jewels)
C H E M I A K U T A M I (kimono)
D A V I D S I R O T A (dresses)
F R S N (shoes)
K H À R M D E S I G N (jewels)
L U C A G I A N N O L A (dresses)
M A Ï K O (bags from Montecarlo)
M E A O R N A M E N T A (jewels)
N O B A H A R D E S I G N (jewels)
S Y & V I E (bags)